BCAA or Branched Amino Acids

BCAA 2: 1: 1 or branched amino acids are a type of sports supplement generally used in stages of muscle definition.

Taking BCAAs 2: 1: 1 is recommended when the goal is to decrease the percentage of body fat. Taking branched-chain amino acids reduces the muscle-destroying effects that occur when exercising at high intensities. (1)

This article shows how and when to take bcaa amino acids per day to reap its benefits.

Branched Amino Acids BCAAs – What are they?

The term amino acid refers to the elementary units that make up proteins. BCAAs are a particular amino acid, branched or branched-chain: leucine, isoleucine, and valine.

The abbreviation BCAA stands for Branched– Chain A min or Acids (branched or chain amino acids). The acronym refers to a geometric characteristic: the shape of a part of the amino acid molecule.

The branched chain amino acids BCAA are the most affected in the muscle destruction processes. In particular when doing physical exercise at high intensities and for a long duration.

When and how to take amino acids?

An average athlete is recommended to take about 4-8 g per day before training. The benefits of taking branched-bcaa amino acids in more small amounts have not been proven by science. The different ways to take back are:

To tone without losing muscle mass, taking 4-8 g of powdered BCAA amino acids in workouts effectively stops muscle catabolic processes. It is advisable to take branched-chain amino acids 15-20 before training. 2: 1: 1 bcaa are the best supplements for fat burning processes. Taking 6-8 grams is enough to tone and dry the body without losing muscle.

  1. For marathoners and endurance training

Taking back amino acids before a marathon or long-term endurance aerobic workout effectively increases long-term performance. Branched BCAAs can be dissolved in water before the competition. These days a dose of at least 5-9 g is recommended.

  1. Intermittent fasting or ketogenic diet

The consumption of amino acids bcaa is recommended in some eating methods such as intermittent fasting or the ketogenic diet. Branched amino acids can smooth the changes in hormonal levels by reducing the number of carbohydrates to the maximum. In these cases, it is recommended to take at least 5 g of bcaa 2: 1: 1 at times of fasting or when entering ketosis.

What are 2: 1: 1 BCAAs for?

BCAA amino acids serve to prevent muscle destruction after long training sessions. Only 70% of the amino acids are reincorporated in the muscles upon reaching muscle failure.

BCAA amino acid supplements have been confirmed to play an essential role in recovering the remaining 30%. (1)

However, the effects of BCAAs should not be overestimated. Supplementation based solely on branched chain amino acids has also led to muscle breakdown. (1)

To avoid muscle loss, a complete amino acid profile is required.

Benefits of taking branched chain amino acids

The benefits of taking branched-chain amino acids regularly are:

  1. Increased muscle strength

Taking BCAA amino acids during training improves muscular endurance and strength. Some studies claim that it can increase the number of repetitions by 2 or 3. This is explained due to the reduction of muscle stress that occurs when taking branched-chain amino acids. Significant drops have been recorded in levels of the stress hormone cortisol. (6)

  1. Rapid muscle recovery

By taking amino acids BCAA 2: 1: 1, muscle recovery processes are less. This sports supplement stimulates growth hormone and other hormones directly related to the muscular system. (3)

  1. Hormonal balance

Taking branched BCAAs may promote a benefit in increasing the hormone GH in the blood. This factor is directly associated with greater lean muscle mass in men. (3)

  1. Less muscle fatigue in older adults

 Leucine is a branched essential amino acid that helps reduce muscle fatigue. Studies recommend taking a 2: 1: 1 dose of bcaa amino acids or leucine supplements can prevent muscle fatigue even in older adults. (4)

  1. It does not alter insulin levels

Taking amino acids, bcaa does not alter insulin levels. On type 2 diabetic diet are recommended supplements. Some studies are more optimistic and even affirm that a significant contribution of branched-chain amino acids is associated with preventing diseases such as cancer and even heart disease and coronary events. (5)

  1. Stimulates natural protein synthesis

Research claims that taking BCAA amino acids helps stimulate natural protein synthesis. This is explained due to an increase in the production of ketoisocaproate (KIC). (2)

Do amino acids help to increase muscle mass?

Studies that have compared the different ways of taking back have made it clear that one of the benefits of the amino acids bcaa is to increase muscle mass.

The best result for muscle growth is to take several branched amino acids of 0.64 mg / Kg of body weight per day. (4,6), Which translates as about 44 g per day.

These studies confirm that the effects of taking back are enhanced when the doses are divided into at least two times a day and for some time greater than ten days. (6)

However, taking 44g of branched-chain amino acids per day would be a monetary investment. So these shots are reserved for high performance athletes.

BCAA 2:1:1 amino acids vs. proteins

Taking BCAA amino acids in capsules to increase muscle mass is not the best idea.

Although some studies suggest that they may be effective due to an increase in growth hormone production, their effects are more minor, and their price is significantly higher when compared to other types of supplements such as whey protein.

To achieve muscle growth, the most important thing is to balance macros: carbohydrates, proteins and fats. combined with a caloric surplus. To boost the volume with supplementation, it is best to take creatine monohydrate combined with a source of protein of high biological value.


BCAA amino acids are a sports supplement with a high leucine, isoleucine, and valine concentration.

What does BCAA mean? B ranched- Chain Amino Acids branched or branched chain amino acids in English.

Taking BCAA amino acids prevents muscle destruction; it is best to use them in intoning processes.

How to take branched chain amino acids? 4-8 grams before training is enough. Studies state that taking bcaa is better when the intake is 0.64 mg / Kg, divided into at least two doses for a minimum period of 10 days. However, it is not a dose taken to reality for an average athlete.

Taking BCAA amino acids is effective in achieving better endurance sports performance. Its use is not recommended when the objective is to increase muscle volume.


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