Burpee - Correct technique step by step - How to do burpees

Burpees are one of the exercises that have become more popular in recent years. The burpee exercise serves not only to improve endurance but also to increase coordination and muscle strength.

However, when a beginner makes common mistakes in technique, it can cause inconvenience. Doing the burpee exercise poorly runs the risk of sports injuries and lower back pain.

This article describes the burpee technique step by step and the benefits of including it in workouts.

RELATED: Burpee Routine For Beginners

Burpee: What is it?

The Burpee is a functional dynamic exercise that combines elements of squats, push-ups, and jumps.

When doing burpees, most muscle groups in the upper body are involved in the work: the middle or core, the legs, the chest, and even the upper back.

The main advantages of including the burpee exercise in the routines are the improvement of the synchronization of the body and the maximum respiratory capacity.

The Burpee is an exercise capable of strengthening the cardiovascular system, increasing oxygen supply, and improving muscle tone.

The Burpee is one of the most effective weight loss exercises for raising the heart rate, so it is widely used in high-intensity circular training modes such as CrossFit.

How to do burpees?

When doing the burpee exercise, beginners are recommended to emphasize the technique; counting the maximum number of repetitions is optional. Take special care to always tension the abdomen and not carry the weight to the lower back. The following describes the correct technique of the burpee exercise step by step.

How to do burpees ?:

Step 1: Stand starting position.

In the starting position of the Burpee, the legs are the same width as the shoulder width. In this step, you must tense the abdomen.

Step 2 – Squats against the floor

In the starting position of the Burpee, the legs are the same width as the shoulders. In this step, you must tense the abdomen.

Step 3 – Abdominal plank position

Stretching your legs back without separating your hands from the ground and in a half jump. Maintain the proper form of the abdominal planks with your arms extended.

Step 4 – Push-ups

Continuing with the previous movement, do push-ups without excessively separating the arms from the trunk. Keep your gaze straight ahead at all times.

Step 5 – Return to Squat Position

Tightening the abdominal muscles, with a half jump, turn the legs inwards (almost touching the knees with the elbows).

Step 6 – Jump

With the momentum of the legs of a jump upwards. This is one of the most critical steps of the burpee exercise. It can be done with the hands up and clapping or backward.

Step 7 – Return to the starting position

The last step of the burpee exercise is to return to the starting position. Just stand firm against the ground as you fall.

How to do burpees? – Video

If the exercise technique has not been clear to you, you can check the following video on how to do burpees:

Burpee Benefits – The Benefits of Including It in Routines

The correct technique of the burpee exercise involves conscious participation in the work of the muscles of the abdomen, legs, and pectorals.

The movements must be executed with the maximum possible amplitude. Attempts to simplify the technique will not bring good results. Controlling breathing and synchronizing it with movement phases is the foundation for improving performance.

Burpee routines are performed by counting the maximum number of repetitions for a minimum period; the goal is to increase your heart rate to burn fat.

Before burpees, a preliminary physical warm-up should be done to prepare the joints. Bodyweight squats with extended arms and push-ups are ideal exercises to prepare the body.

The benefits and advantages of the Burpee are:

  • Develops muscle strength indicators
  • Improves motor coordination
  • Strengthens the cardiovascular system
  • It Burns a lot of calories
  • It does not require sports equipment

Number of burpees to do per level

Beginners are advised to start with 1 minute of exercise, followed by a minute of rest. An advanced level involves 5-6 sets of rounds of 3 minutes of burpees each and only 30 seconds of rest between sets. The recommended number of burpees per level is:

  • Beginners: 2-4 groups of 1-2 minutes each. Breaks of at least 1 min.
  • Medium level: 3-5 sets of 2 minutes each. Rest: no more than 1 minute.
  • High rank: 5-6 sets of 3 minutes each. Rest: no more than 1 minute.
  • Advanced level: 6 rounds of 3 minutes each. Rest between sets of no more than 30 seconds.

Burpee training methods

The burpee exercise is used in full-body workout routines and the Tabata method. As well as in WODs or Crossfit routines. For professional athletes in this discipline, it is possible to perform 120 repetitions with the correct technique in 7 minutes.

In addition, it is common to include this exercise in a calisthenic routine; this serves to achieve an increase in muscular endurance.

Research suggests that high-intensity burpees burn fat faster than classic cardiovascular exercises like running or cycling.

When comparing this type of exercise with workouts that include burpees, improvements in Vimax levels and maximum heart rate was observed. As well as, the production of lactic acid during the burpees was higher, which in the end allows for an increase the performance. (2)

Exercise history

The exercise creator is Royal Nadleston Burpee, a physiologist from New York who raised it in physical fitness tests in the early 1930s. Burpee initially designed a smoother movement that had to be done about four times in a row.

It is essential to know that the correct name of the exercise is Burpee; the derivatives burpee, burpy, and burps are random modifications of the author’s last name.

A curious fact about the Burpee is that its creator spoke against routines that include numerous exercise repetitions, which raises the question of whether CrossFit routines are correct.

In his tests, the doctor measured the person’s pulse and found it effective in increasing it. He then applied an equation to calculate a person’s fitness level. Starting in 1942, the military began to use Burpee’s methodology in its exercises and tests.

To pass the physical fitness test in the military, students had to do the maximum number of burpees per minute. More than 40 repetitions are considered an excellent result, 27-40 was acceptable, and below 27, it was a failure.


The burpee exercise is a critical dynamic exercise for building endurance and improving coordination.

Burpees are widely used in functional training programs (calisthenics, CrossFit) and workouts to lose body fat (HIIT, Tabata).

Additionally, the burpee exercise can be used as a warm-up mode before performing strength exercises, including barbells or weights.

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