Omega-3 capsules- Benefits, side effects and contraindications

Omega-3 capsules are one of the most popular dietary supplements of the past decades.

Most research supports its long-term health benefits. In particular, they have been shown to improve brain health and prevent cardiovascular disease. (2,3,4,5)

Omega-3 capsules are considered a safe dietary supplement. However, in some cases they may have mild side effects and contraindications.

This article looks at the effects of Omega-3 capsules, what are their benefits, and how when to take them.

Related: Fish Oil – Benefits and Contraindications

Omega-3 Capsules – What are they and what are they for?

Omega-3 capsules are a dietary supplement with concentrated Omega-3 fatty acids .

The Omega-3 content of the capsules is usually around 800-1200 mg of combination of fatty acids ALA, DHA and EPA.

The use of omega-3 capsules is recommended when a person does not eat foods that contain it: salmon, tuna, chia seeds.

The benefits of taking these types of supplements range from improving the condition of the skin to preventing neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s.

Benefits of taking Omega-3 capsules

Taking Omega-3 capsules has more benefits than contraindications. There are several studies that list their health benefits, particularly when they are not consumed through food. The benefits of taking Omega-3 in capsules are:

1. Improve skin condition

According to a study carried out in Korea in 2005. EPA, one of the Omega-3 fatty acids. (3) It is a potential agent for the prevention and treatment of skin aging.

2. It can improve muscle recovery processes

One of the benefits of Omega-3 capsules is to accelerate muscle recovery processes . This is explained due to the action of the acid n-3PFUA. (4) Apparently this fatty acid is capable of reducing the recovery time of the micro-damages that occur when practicing physical exercise.

3. Lower cortisol levels

The cortisol is the hormone related to stress; its levels are apparently related to DHA, a fatty acid found in fish oil. Studies suggest that taking Omega-3 capsules allows for a significant improvement in coritsol levels. (4)

4. Regulate blood pressure

A high level of EPA and DHA fatty acids is directly related to an improvement in blood pressure. One of the benefits of Omega-3 in capsules is the reduction in the probability of heart attacks due to its action as an anticoagulant. (1)

5. Prevent degenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s

Regular consumption of DHA and EPA has a positive effect on improving cognitive functions. The benefits of Omega-3 capsules have been proven in preventing psychological disorders such as Alzheimer’s. (1)

6. Lower bad LDL cholesterol levels

There are several studies that affirm that one of the benefits of Omega-3 in capsules is to lower LDL cholesterol levels . The n -3 PUFA fatty acids are capable of regulating cholesterol metabolism in the body. They are apparently capable of reversing its transport and promoting the elimination of this molecule in the body. (5)

7. Better development of the fetus

During pregnancy, the mother transfers nutrients from the placenta including the fatty acid DHA. One of the benefits of taking Omega-3 capsules in pregnancy is improving the development of the brain and retina. (6) Research recommends consuming at least 1000 mg of Omega-3 acids per day.

8. As a treatment for osteoarthritis

Some studies have shown that taking omega-3 supplements can help reduce osteoarthritis symptoms. People with arthritis who take omega-3 supplements may need fewer pain relief medications. (8.10)

How to take Omega-3 capsules?

Doctors recommend taking Omega-3 before meals to increase its absorption. The official recommendations of how many Omega-3 acids apply only to the ALA fatty acid and vary according to gender and age according to the following table:

From birth to 12 months0.5 g
Children 1-3 years0.7 g
Children 4-8 years0.9 g
Children from 9 to 13 years old1.2 g
Girls from 9 to 13 years old1.0 g
Teen boys1,6 g
Female teens1.1 g
Adult men1.6 g
Adult women1.1 g

Omega-3 daily recommendation table by age. Source

What are Omega-3 supplements made of?

Omega-3 dietary supplements are made from fish oil, krill oil, cod liver oil, seaweed oil, and chia seeds. The latter are ideal for people who carry out a vegetarian diet.

How to choose the best Omega-3 supplement?

When choosing the best Omega-3 capsules, it is important to read the manufacturer’s detailed dosage, its origin and its composition. A good Omega-3 supplement provides at least 1 g of fatty acids. It is recommended that eicosapentaenoic acids (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) be the majority in its composition.

Consuming higher doses of Omega-3 does not cause any additional health benefits. The use of this supplement is recommended in sports definition stages.

Side effects of taking Omega-3 capsules

Omega-3 capsules are considered a safe supplement. However, it is recommended not to take more than 3g / day of EPA and DHA combined. Although high doses can be used to lower blood triglyceride levels, it should always be authorized by a professional.

An excess when taking Omega-3 supplements can cause the following side effects:

  • Bleeding
  • Bad breath
  • Heartburn
  • Diarrhea
  • Odorous sweating
  • Naúseas
  • Headache

Contraindications of omega-3 capsules

Omega-3 dietary supplements can interact with some blood-thinning medications such as warfarin. If a person takes medication for blood pressure or similar medications, they should consult their doctor before taking Omega-3 capsules.

Omega-3 and glucosamine casules for joints

Taking Omega-3 capsules combined with other supplements such as glucosamine is an effective treatment to reduce joint pain. A synergistic effect between both drugs has been proven in optimizing tendon regeneration. (5)

Taking Omega-3 capsules in conjunction with glucosamine is a good way to prevent the symptoms of arthritis and sports injuries such as tendonitis. There has been a significant improvement in the amount of fluid that lubricates the joints

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