Neck and nape pain - Exercises and stretches for the cervical

1in 3 adults has had neck or neck pain at some point. Attacking its causes with exercises and stretching is the best way to alleviate it.

If your symptoms do not subside, you can try other solutions such as medications.

This article looks at the causes of neck pain – what are the best exercises, stretches, and medications to relieve cervical pain?

Neck and Nape Pain – Causes

The most common causes of neck and neck pain are poor position while working, sleeping, or exercising.

In addition, a person who is constantly exposed to stressful situations has a higher risk of developing neck pain. As well as having weak and underdeveloped muscles in the area of ​​the trapezius and the neck is associated with pain in this area.

Correct posture when sleeping and sitting well in front of the computer are two essential tips to combat causes of chronic neck pain.

The causes of neck color are:

  • wrong position when working or studying
  • excessive use of mobile phones or other electronic devices
  • constant stress
  • errors when exercising
  • poor sleeping position

How to relieve neck pain?

The most important thing when treating neck and nape pain is to root out the causes that have caused this pain. You should not try to get rid of the symptoms of the injury. Performing exercises to strengthen the trapezius is essential.

The solution is not only to relieve cervical pain with creams. But to solve the problem naturally. If you can relieve neck and neck pain, it does not mean that cervical spine problem are solved. How to relieve neck pain:

  • Improve your posture when sleeping and sitting
  • Stretch at the office
  • Do exercises to strengthen the trapezius
  • If necessary, use medications prescribed by your doctor for a short period.
  • Start doing yoga, swimming, or other low-impact activities.

Stretches for neck pain

According to medical experts, stretching and exercising in the office is a way to activate your muscles and relieve stress.

If you feel like an episode of anxiety is coming, take 5 minutes to relax your body. Nothing is going to change drastically by spending a few minutes stretching in the office.

Neck pain tends to get stronger if you don’t take the reins on the matter. The fact that ends up causing osteochondrosis, cervicalgia, or cervical contracture.

How to stretch your neck?

Sit with your back straight at 90 degrees to the floor. Drop your head toward your right shoulder while gently raising your shoulder. These should not be touched. Hold this position for a few seconds and switch sides. Make sure not to put pressure on the vertebrae because instead of solving the neck pain, you could cause injuries.

Exercises to relieve neck and nape pain

Below are exercises to relieve neck pain:

  1. Exercises with a foam roller

Foam roller exercises are ideal for relieving neck pain. The basis of this type of exercise is to find the key points that cause the pain and use the body’s weight to release the fasciae. The Foam Roller is also used as a method of muscle recovery.

  1. Gentle movements up and down

An essential exercise for neck pain is to gently lookup. These are called hyperextensions. You can continuously look down slightly, making sure the speed is slow.

  1. Lateral stretches

Side stretches are a classic exercise to relieve neck pain. You can help with your hands as support to ensure that you are not straining the cervical area.

  1. Exercises to strengthen the traps

Weak and distended trapezoidal muscles can become one of the leading causes of neck and nape pain. As well as generating muscle contractures in the long and short term. To work this muscle area, you can check exercises for the shoulders.

Photographs A and B illustrate trapezius muscles with weak and distended muscles and an exaggeratedly low position of the scapulae. Photograph C shows the most correct and healthiest part of the clavicle, typical of a solid and muscular trapezius.

If Exercises Don’t Work – Diclofenac Sodium.

Diclofenac or diclofenac sodium is a medicine used to relieve muscle pain. So much for a wrong position when sleeping or for an exaggerated training session. As well as joint pain caused by arthritis.

Diclofenac is a non-steroidal drug; it is generally prescribed in tablets or cream for mild muscle aches. In more severe cases, treatment with diclofenac in injectable form is performed.

It is common for general practitioners and athletes to prescribe diclofenac to athletes after competitions to relieve inflammation of the cervical area and neck and neck pain. Diclofenac cream contains practically no contraindications. However, before starting the treatment, we recommend checking the side effects.


  • The most common causes of neck and neck pain are incorrect technique when exercising, poor posture when sleeping, and stressful situations.
  • To avoid cervical pain, it is best to strengthen the trapezius muscles.
  • Exercises for neck pain can be done at the gym and simple stretches at the office.
  • Relieving only the symptoms of neck pain is not the solution; the root cause must be eliminated.
  • There are creams such as diclofenac sodium that can be used as a temporary treatment to treat neck and neck pain.


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