Lean Muscle Mass

Gym Newbies Guide – How To Achieve Muscle Growth

Muscle growth is a complex process. A novice to increase lean muscle mass and surrounding tissues requires a physical training guide, diet, and knowledge of rest times. When starting the gym, a novice should give as much importance to diet and physical exercise. Otherwise, a beginner is likely to be disappointed by not seeing good results in the gym.

To understand that muscles are growing, you must listen to signals from your body. These will serve as a guide to understanding the muscle repair processes. The increase in muscle mass is closely related to the appearance of characteristic muscle pain. A novice may think it is from lactic acid production; however, science has confirmed that this is a myth. (1)

For muscle growth to occur, both a novice and advanced athlete must break down muscle fibers. To meet this goal in the gym. Second, the nutrients necessary to build muscle must be incorporated. And finally, you have to rest; it is at this time when the muscle-building processes occur.

What makes muscles grow?

A novice tends to think that doing physical activity is enough for the muscles to grow. However, they often forget the importance of protein or the balance of macronutrients in the diet. The most traditional way for a novice to ensure complete muscle growth is to combine a 3-day-a-week gym routine with a high-calorie diet.

What muscles grow from:

How long do muscles take to grow?

Studies (2) (3) suggest that muscle growth begins 3-4 hours after weight training² and ends 36-48 hours later. Times may vary depending on the muscle group.

For this reason, it doesn’t make sense to work for the same muscle group more than once every two or three days. The ideal training frequency for lean muscle mass is 3-4 times per week for a novice.

Beginners in the gym – What to do when you start?

A beginner in the gym often makes the mistake of loading the machines to the maximum and trying to show that his muscles are strong. They are trying to catch up with an advanced athlete the first week, and performing exercises like the barbell deadlift when unsure of technique is a risk factor for a beginner.

It is essential to know that routine for adolescents under 18 years of age should not include exercises with intense loads on the spine. Research has confirmed that heavy training at this stage of life can stunt growth in adolescence. The bone structure has not finished forming yet. This is why adolescents under the age of 16 are prohibited from entering gyms.

The mistakes of a beginner when starting the gym

When starting the gym, a newbie often repeats what other people do. They begin to repeat the exercises without planning, just as they tend to neglect the technique. Not comparing yourself to the people around you is the first step to achieving good results in the gym.

Starting with isolation exercises combining muscle and small groups simultaneously is a good strategy for a novice. On the last day of the legs and shoulders, one-day training back and biceps, chest, and triceps is the most traditional strategy for gym novices. As you progress, you should rotate the routines and increase the difficulty of the exercises.

A novice should keep in mind that advanced athletes were also beginners at one time. Being afraid of being criticized will be one of the first hurdles you must overcome to see progress in the gym. In addition, it is essential to know that the oldest people in the gym tend to be focused on their routines, forget what they think, and start training.

How to choose a gym? – Beginner’s guide

The first thing a newbie should be clear about is which gym to go to. The results will always be better the more significant the variety of exercises and machines. In addition, feeling comfortable with the environment allows you to provide further continuity to the practice. Training with pleasure should be one of the goals for a newbie.

The location must be considered; the shorter the distances and the less effort it means to go, the better. The gym should be located close to where you sleep, study or work.

Make sure there is a sports professional in charge. This will allow you to correct the techniques and plan the workouts, mainly when you are a novice, and finally, if you can be accompanied better. Having a gym buddy is essential to increase motivation.

Routine for beginners How to gain 5 kg of lean muscle mass?

The first week of a correct beginner training plan should be dedicated to adaptation. The main objective will be to improve the technique and gain strength for the subsequent improvement and inclusion of basic multi-joint exercises. This week the training sessions should be 50-60 minutes, 3 or 4 times a week.

Beginner’s Guide – Gym Routine Example :

Diet for beginners at the gym

One of the most important things for a newbie is to change eating habits. No matter how hard you work or work out, if you keep eating junk food and sweets, you shouldn’t expect good results in muscle growth.

While it is not necessary to restrict all pleasures, a newbie should start tracking eating. Achieving a correct balance of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats is one of the most critical factors in the diet for a beginner to gain 5 kg of lean muscle mass.

What diet to do to increase the muscles?

The main problem is diet, making it difficult for a novice to gain weight. In particular, the ectomorphic body type finds it difficult to increase muscle mass. This body somatotype must follow a high-calorie diet and training, with complex carbohydrates as the primary energy source.

To achieve muscle growth, the idea is to increase your daily calorie intake by 20% and eat about 1.5 g of protein for every kilogram of body weight—the equivalent of about 125 g per day for a 70 kg beginner. An excess of protein will not lead to better results. As for training, you should avoid excessive cardio and carry out routines that include weights, dumbbells, or bars.

Newbie’s Guide – Diet

bulking diet to increase muscle mass should include high-quality carbohydrates from cereals and pseudo-cereals. As well as proteins of high biological value. Healthy fats of plant origin are the most recommended in the diet so that a novice can achieve a correct hormonal balance and improve results in the gym.

Ideally, to increase muscle mass is a ratio of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats of 55, 25, and 20. Also, it is essential to know that it is not a myth that protein is absorbed in a maximum of 10 g per hour. So they must be distributed throughout the day. Including lean fish meats high in Omega-3 is essential to promote the synthesis of hormones related to muscle growth, such as testosterone.


  • For a gym novice to significantly increase lean muscle mass, they must combine muscle hypertrophy routines with a balanced diet and respect rest times.
  • Adapting to the gym requires at least a month. Including functional exercises for the first few weeks allows a novice to increase strength indicators to improve performance later in life.
  • A correct balance of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats and selecting foods with micronutrients is a number one rule in a gym novice guide.
  • Sports supplementation should be viewed as optional. While using some supplements like ( creatine monohydrate ) can improve strength indicators, It should not be seen as a critical factor when starting the gym.


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